Diagnostic testing at Hughston

Your Hughston orthopedist can tell a lot about your injury or condition simply by examining you. While the physical exam is certainly more than a superficial look, your doctor may need further tests to help determine the extent of your injury or to provide the most accurate diagnosis. Hughston Clinic Orthopaedics offers the most noninvasive techniques and uses the latest equipment to help diagnose your condition quickly and precisely.

How can diagnostic testing help you?

Hughston Clinic Orthopaedics uses the highest quality, most trusted equipment in diagnostic testing. Our goal is to provide you with the quickest, most accurate testing so your physician can deliver a reliable diagnosis and set up the most effective treatment plan for your specific injury or condition.


Radiograph, or x-ray, technology has been around for more than 125 years, and it continues to be the most efficient diagnostic imaging technique when it comes to viewing your bones. X-rays are the best tool to use for fractures and joint dislocations, but your doctor may also request an x-ray if he or she suspects you have bone damage due to arthritis or osteoporosis. Most x-rays take about 10 to 15 minutes and they can provide a wealth of information about your musculoskeletal health.


Magnetic resonance imagining, or MRI, is a painless technique that allows your doctor to look at the soft tissues, such as muscles within your body. Your Hughston physician can use MRI testing to see the image of structures inside your joints, which they cannot feel during a physical exam. Some of these structures are ligaments (tissues connecting bones), menisci (crescent shaped structures in the knee), and tendons (tissues connecting muscles to bones). MRI provides your orthopedist a window to see inside your injured joint, diagnose the problem, and execute a treatment plan that’s catered to you.


Ultrasonography is a safe, noninvasive imaging technique that does not emit radiation. Ultrasound offers high resolution images and the capability of real-time assessments. The physicians at Hughston Clinic Orthopaedics can use this technology to visualize tendon tears, tiny bone calcifications, and detect damage inside your joints.


An electromyography (EMG) records and analyzes the electrical activity in your muscles as it responds to a nerve’s stimulation. Your physician uses this diagnostic test to find out whether the nerves in your arms and legs are functioning properly. As an example, if you have a fracture and you are experiencing tingling or numbness, your physician may order an electromyography to make sure you do not have a pinched nerve.